The Wyatt Brothers

“I first began broadcasting on KBOA in l949 when Ray Van started a small singing group called the Old Camp Meeting Singers. He had a recorded early morning program called Old Camp Meeting Time for several years and we were just an adjunct to that program. My brother appeared with me occasionally on that program. Some time later, Walter Bailes (of the famous Bailes Brothers Grand Old Opry) and his wife had a religious program there and asked me to play the mandolin and sing on their program. My brother also appeared with me a few times when Johnny Mack (program director) asked us if we wanted a program of our own.

We started in late l950 and continued until mid l95l. Our sponsor was Mother’s Best Flour. The Chuck Harding program preceded us and the McDonald Brothers Quartet came on immediately following us. We played with the Wilburn Family several times on personal appearances and with Ira & Charlie Louvin from the Grand Old Opry. We also made appearances with most of quartets popular during that period including the Blackwood Quartet from Memphis.  We were billed as the Wyatt Brothers and we sang gospel music.”

Austin Wyatt – March 11, 2001